GAINESVILLE - A 150-unit assisted living facility is planned in New Holland which could house up to 180 residents.
Caddis Acquisition Partners , LLC, is scheduled to go before the Gainesville Planning and Appeals Board Sept. 8 with its request for an amendment to the current zoning for the 9.5 acres. The tract adjacent to New Holland Market near Jesse Jewell Parkway and White Sulphur Road.
The developers say their plans call for a a one-to-two story building, 85,000-140,000 square feet in size, with a maximum of 150 units, and room for 112-180 residents.
Variance requests will be part of plan for Shallowford Road convenience store
Also on Sept. 8, the planning board is expected to hear variance requests for land at Shallowford Road and Hillcrest Road on the west side of Gainesville where a convenience store is planned.
Greg Sistrunk (Greenberg Farrow) is asking for a reduced front yard variance (35 feet as opposed to 40) in order to construct a canopy for gas pumps. The city code also requires that "service and fueling station buildings and accessory structures" be located a minimum of 100 feet from any residential zoning district. The developers would like that reduced to 65 feet. In making the variance requests, they cite the size and shape of the lot and the fact it borders right-of-way on three sides.