GAINESVILLE - This will mark the 21st year of the Gainesville State College Summer Scholars Institute (SSI) which began on Monday, June 27 and runs through July 21.
For four weeks each Monday through Thursday, approximately 120 middle school students will be on the Gainesville State College campus having a rewarding and eventful summer, as they improve their academic skills, learn from positive role models and improve their chances of attending college.
The Summer Scholars Institute, an early intervention program, is a three-year cohort program for students in grades 8-10.
While the students who participate in the SSI do not pay, the cost per student is approximately $850 and covers teacher and student supplies, two meals per day for 15 days, transportation to and from the College, educational field trips, teacher and staff salaries, and uniforms.
Gainesville State College reaches out to the community to continue this program, which has been shown by pre-and post-tests to increase student academic achievement in math and language arts, science and history.
Private donors who see the value of the SSI for students and for our community have stepped forward to ensure that this program will continue to serve middle and high school students who have the potential for academic success in the program's service area, which consists of Hall, Habersham and Barrow County and Gainesville City Schools.
The Gainesville State College Foundation leads the fund raising efforts for the SSI.
Gainesville State College President Martha T. Nesbitt, who is one of the program's strongest advocates, states, "We are so pleased to continue offering the Summer Scholars Institute to the young people in our area. I am very grateful that the community has again shown its support for this exemplary program and generously contributed to help cover the costs. Summer Scholars not only benefits the students participating, but it also has the long-term effect of raising the educational level in our region."
During the month-long program, students arrive at the GSC campus at about 7:45 a.m. wearing matching program t-shirts. They have breakfast and then begin a full day of studies, concentrating on history, science, career exploration, math and language arts. All subjects are in line w