Hall Co. recognizes Tadmore ES for recycling efforts
By Staff
Posted 8:37AM on Sunday, June 15, 2014
GAINESVILLE - Hall County Resource Recovery recently recognized Tadmore Elementary School for recycling the most pounds per student during the 2013-2014 school year. <br />
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Resource Recovery used grant funds to purchase recycling bins for all Hall County Schools during the 2010-2011 school year. This year the department partnered with Pratt Recycling as the sole recycler servicing the schools. In turn, Pratt offered $100 to the Hall County school that recycled the most. <br />
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The five schools with the most recycling during the past year are:<br />
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1. Tadmore 10.81 lbs./student<br />
2. McEver 10.17 lbs./student<br />
3. DaVinci 9.85 lbs./student<br />
4. N. Hall High 8.94 lbs./student<br />
5. Chestatee High 6.65 lbs./student