ATLANTA - The Georgia House Democratic Caucus elected its leadership at a meeting in Atlanta Wednesday.<br />
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The lineup is as follows:<br />
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House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams<br />
House Minority Whip Carolyn F. Hugley<br />
House Minority Chairman Virgil Fludd<br />
House Minority Vice-Chairman Billy Mitchell<br />
House Minority Treasurer David Wilkerson<br />
House Minority Chief Deputy Whip Simone Bell<br />
House Minority Secretary Pat Gardner<br />
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"I look forward to working with the members of the caucus and those voted into leadership positions in promoting legislation that will ensure Georgia's families have access to affordable healthcare, the best public education, and a secure economy to support their families," said Rep. Abrams.<br />
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Rep. Fludd added, "The Caucus will continue advancing our legislative agenda of promoting economic security and educational opportunity for the citizens of Georgia who deserve more from their government."<br />
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