When the powers that be decided a few years back that this season's Super Bowl would be played in an open-air stadium in a cold climate, I applauded the move because I still believe all football should be played outdoors, regardless of the weather - and I began dreaming of a white Super Bowl. But now that Feb. 2 is fast-approaching, the NFL is apparently getting, shall we say, "cold" feet.<br />
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They are acknowledging that there are contingency plans to postpone the game if, say, a blizzard, strikes the New York City area about the time the game is to be played.<br />
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"It is our objective to kick off the ball at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 2," said Frank Supovitz, Senior Vice President of Events for the NFL, at a news conference last week. "And we're going to expend every effort ... to make sure that that gets done." But he was quick to add that a blizzard could change that and cited, among other things, the difficulties fans might have getting to the stadium. <br />
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Why should a blizzard change their plans? Didn't Philadelphia and Detroit play in blizzard-like conditions just a couple of weeks ago? I don't recall ay talk of postponing that game - and there were plenty of fans who showed up. That was also true several years ago when New England hosted a playoff game against the Oaklnd Raiders in a snowstorm in a game that went into overtime before New England finally won it.<br />
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And, after all the wailing and gnashing of teeth the last time the Super Bowl was played in Atlanta because of a game day ice storm and the icy conditions when it was played in Dallas a couple of years ago, why would the league schedule the game in an open-air stadium in a cold climate? There are still those who believe the NFL has rejected Atlanta as the site for another Super Bowl since then because of that icy weather. <br />
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So, with apologies to Irving Berlin and Bing Crosby - I'm still dreaming of a white Super Bowl.<br />
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Merry Christmas! <br />
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(Ken Stanford is the retired longtime news director for WDUN-AM, WDUN-FM, 1240 ESPN Radio and AccessNorthGa.com.)<br />
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