Suwanee PD recognized for 'professional excellence in policy and practice'
By Staff
Posted 4:10PM on Thursday, November 21, 2013
SUWANEE - The Suwanee Police Department has earned national re-accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), receiving recognition, according to CALEA, for "demonstrating a commitment to professional excellence in policy and practice."<br />
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Suwanee Police Chief Mike Jones, who accepted the accreditation award at the CALEA national conference in Winston-Salem, N.C., last week, notes that this is Suwanee's first re-accreditation, which can be harder to achieve than the original accreditation, which Suwanee earned in 2010.<br />
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The CALEA assessment team that visited Suwanee in August wrote in its final report that the Suwanee Police Department "provides a superior level of law enforcement services to the citizens of Suwanee and Gwinnett County. The agency's accreditation program is one example of the agency's level of professional excellence."<br />
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CALEA accreditation is awarded for a three-year period.<br />
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Chief Jones adds: "We are able to provide better services to the community because of the CALEA standards we are required to meet."<br />