NAME: Kristi Crumpton<br />
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OCCUPATION: School Library Media Specialist, Hall County Schools<br />
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1) Why are you running for this office?<br />
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Even though I have lived in Clermont since January 2010, it feels like home! I have enjoyed volunteering my time to work for the residents of Clermont on various projects throughout the community. These include: volunteering my skills as a media specialist to organize the creation of the Clermont DIP Library and History Center in order to help the town meet requirements to receive LOST funds, which is the town's primary source of funding; serving as the vice-president of the Clermont Historical Society; creating the Clermont Historical Walking Tour that features the great historical homes and sites in our 100 year old community; and designing the new "Welcome to Clermont" town banners that hang along Main Street. I am the co-founder and co-market manager of the new Clermont Farmer's Market. I served on the Clermont Days planning committee where I used by technical skills to create a new, improved website for the festival, as well as create/manage social media sites. I am able to exercise my creativity by working with a partner to create window displays in the town's newly purchased historical building. Throughout all of these projects, I have gotten to know the people of Clermont and have discovered a friendly, caring, community with strong family values, a strong historical legacy, and a dedication to faith. I would love to represent the community that I have grown to know and appreciate. <br />
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2) Is this the first time you have run for political office? yes If "no," please explain.<br />
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3) What qualifications for the office do you bring to the campaign?<br />
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* Leadership experience - serve on the Mt. Vernon Exploratory School Governing Board, Serve on the HCSLA leadership board, Serve on the leadership team for Pioneer RESA Media Specialist Professional Learning Committee, <br />
*grant writing experience<br />
*great organizational skills<br />
*strong administrative skills that allow me to manage large projects<br />
*the ability to communicate well with people of different ages and from various backgrounds <br />
*Before making a decision, I gather as much information as possible from every angle of the problem (pros and cons). <br />
*a high level of dedication to my family, my professional life, and my community. <br />
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4) What do you see as the biggest concern/issue facing the city of Clermont? I see finding the funding for improvement projects and historical preservation around our community as the biggest concern we are facing here in Clermont. <br />
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5) Are there any specific goals you would like to accomplish if you are elected? And, please explain your answer.<br />
If elected, I will pursue additional funding sources for historical preservation and improvement of public spaces that will enhance the quality of living for all of us. <br />