NAME: Bradley Armour<br />
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OCCUPATION: Semi-retired<br />
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1) Why are you running for this office?<br />
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Being semi-retired, I feel I have more time to devote to holding a seat on the council of Clermont and the issues that will come forth. <br />
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2) Is this the first time you have run for political office? If "no," please explain.<br />
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Yes<br />
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3) What qualifications for the office do you bring to the campaign?<br />
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I have lived in Clermont for about 50-55 years. I worked for the town for about six years as Maintenance Supervisor. I attended quite a number of council meetings and am aware of problems of the town council and maintenance of the town of Clermont. <br />
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4) What do you see as the biggest concern/issue facing the city of Clermont?<br />
And, please explain your answer.<br />
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Changes and growth. Clermont will change and grow. My concern is to keep our town's change and growth at a slow rate with a very controlled pace. I want to preserve the history we do have now but grow with a slow rate. <br />
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5) Are there any specific goals you would like to accomplish if you are elected?<br />
And, please explain your answer.<br />
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I would like to see more length in our sidewalks for more people that walk and to see more activities for the elderly and more involvement in the town by the young citizens of Clermont.<br />