JEFFERSON - "The Bulwark Against Government Tyranny: The Constitutional Principle of States Rights" will be the topic of a meeting of the Tea Party Patriots of Jackson County next month. It will be held November 14 at Northeast Church, Braselton, and will start at 7:00 p.m.<br />
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The speaker will be Roger Fitzpatrick, a retired U.S. Marine and retired educator and former congressional candidate.<br />
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Following Fitzpatrick's presentation and questions from the audience, there will be an approximately 15-20 minutes "Audience Response Time" to the question, "Who has tried to access the Affordable Health Care Web-site? What was your experience?" <br />
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Northeast Church is located in the Braselton Tech Center at the junction of I-85 and Georgia Highway 53 (Exit 129). The address is 2001 Cherry Drive, Braselton.