GAINESVILLE - The WomenSource November Brown Bag Lunch (BBL) will feature Dr. Gale Allen and the topic "Cracking the Glass Ceiling." <br />
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The program will be held at the group's new meeting venue: the meeting rooms at the Brenau Downtown Center Thursday, November 7, at 12:00.<br />
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The luncheon is being sponsored by The Murray and Daphne David Foundation. Lunch will be catered by Brenau Catering. <br />
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Dr. Gale Allen is Deputy Chief Scientist at NASA where she is adviser to the Chief Scientist and provides oversight in the areas of life and microgravity science research. She is also a member of the Brenau University Board of Trustees.<br />
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The Outreach Agency WomenSource is partnering with for the month of November is the Georgia Mountain Food Bank. <br />
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To make reservations and read more about WomenSource, click on the link below.