HELEN - Natural gas service has come to Helen.
Atlanta Gas Light officials held a pipeline wrench turning ceremony Tuesday to officially mark the completion of the pipeline construction from Cleveland to Helen, a process that has taken about a year.
"We were here to dedicate the new gas line in Cleveland just over a year ago, so this expansion to Helen is allowing us to reach more and more customers in White County," said David Weaver, vice president of regulatory and government affairs with Atlanta Gas Light.
The project was projected to cost $6 million and was part of the Integrated Strategic Corridor project designed to extend natural gas service to unserved areas of the state.
Weaver said the Helen and earlier Clermont to Cleveland projects were completed under budget, which means they will have more money to devote to other expansion projects.
"We are also looking at a project to extend to Blue Ridge, so we are really reaching North Georgia with out STRIDE program (Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement) program more and more each year," he said.
Helen Mayor Judy Holloway said the project has helped put Helen into the 21st Century, and she said a number of potentials customers have already expressed interest in hooking up to the new pipeline.