GAINESVILLE - The city of Gainesville will be able to continue a push toward making city facilities more energy efficient thanks to additional grant money from the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority.
The city received an e-mail Tuesday from GEFA announcing an additional $86,220 award in energy efficiency and conservation block grants, according to Jessica Tullar, the project manager for the Gainesville Community Development Department.
Tullar said the city had applied for the additional grant money in December.
In 2010, GEFA awarded Gainesville $300,000 to make energy improvements around the city.
"We've been using that $300,00 to replace older HVAC equipment, and to do some lighting retrofits and also to help folks in the community with similar projects at their own private property," said Tullar.
Tullar said individual property owners who benefit from the grant dollars must themselves pay contractors to complete projects, and then make application to the city to have all or part of the cost of the project reimbursed.
She said the new award will allow the city to help a few more individuals with projects, as well as allow the city to complete some energy efficiency upgrades in municipal buildings.
Tullar said the grants have been a good way to make sure Gainesville stays focused on improving energy efficiency on all levels.
"It really is intended to help the city create and implement strategies to improve energy efficiency and reduce our fossil fuel emissions, so overall the purpose of the grant program is to help reduce energy consumption, improve energy savings," she said.