Wednesday March 12th, 2025 10:27AM

GSC recognizes Ralph and Mary Cleveland with community room naming

By Staff
GAINESVILLE - Recently, at a ceremony held at Gainesville State College (GSC) in conjunction with the Gainesville State College Foundation, the Ralph and Mary Cleveland Room was dedicated to the couple.

Mary Cleveland, her son, John, and daughter-in-law, Cathy, gathered with nearly 100 guests who heard about the things Ralph Cleveland did for GSC in its formative years. Mrs. Cleveland was also recognized for being there "every step of the way" and for her never ceasing support of the College.

Mr. Cleveland was a member of the Gainesville-Hall County Education Task Force which was formed in January of 1964. The Task Force was established to assist the Gainesville City Commission (now Council) and the Hall County Board of Education in the planning and construction a vocational-technical school and educational center.

Once the then-Gainesville Junior College Foundation was established, Ralph Cleveland served as a Charter Trustee of the Foundation and was named an Honorary Life Trustee for "exceptional dedication and service" to the Foundation and College. In 1991, he continued his support by serving as the Foundation Honorary Fund Drive Chairman.

Mrs. Cleveland supported her husband's efforts and also became a supporter of the College from its beginning. She has never missed an annual meeting of the Foundation, which was established in 1967. Mr. Cleveland's failing health in his final years prevented him from attending. Ralph Cleveland was 92 when he passed away in 1999.

In 1981, the Ralph and Mary Cleveland Endowed Scholarship Fund was established. The primary criterion for selection is financial need. Personal drive and initiative to achieve educational goals are also important considerations for this award. The Clevelands are members of the 25th Anniversary Club which was established in 1989. In 2000, the Computer Information Technology Laboratory was given in memory of Mr. Cleveland by his family
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