CUMMING - Effective September 1, the fare for Forsyth County's public transportation Dial-A-Ride service will increase.
It will be the first ncrease in approximately 10 years.
The rates will increase from the current $1.50 per one-way trip and $2.50 per round-trip, to a flat $2.00 per trip fare.
"We have been able to maintain the same rates for many, many years, but rising
operating expenses and fuel costs necessitated the need for an increase," Director of Fleet Services Avery Gravitt said. "Even with the slight increase in our fare, our rate will still be lower than or the same as our neighboring counties."
The Dial-A-Ride program offers on-call transportation services to Forsyth County
Dial-A-Ride is operated by the county's Fleet Services Department and is funded by the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners, the Georgia Department of Transportation and passenger fees.