Saturday March 8th, 2025 7:15PM

Graves, Isakson, Chambliss, others react to bin Laden death

By Ken Stanford Contributing Editor
GAINESVILLE - Ninth District Congressman Tom Graves says "today is a great day for America, but also for all in the world who cherish freedom and democracy."

The Ranger Republican was reacting to the death of Osama bin Laden.

"For the victims of 9/11, U.S.S. Cole, the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and countless other terror attacks across the globe, justice has finally been brought to the chief perpetrator of those evils, Osama bin Laden," Graves said.

The Ranger Republican went on to say "We celebrate today because of the tireless and heroic efforts of the U.S. military and intelligence personnel. America is proud of our defenders of freedom, as this victory was borne of their many sacrifices and unwavering resolve to go any place and complete any task in order to destroy terrorism and defend our country. May God bless our fighting men and women, their families, and all who continue the work of bringing justice to those who have attacked or threaten terror against the United States."


Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) says the death of bin Laden doesn't mean the end to threats of terrorism against the United States. As for al Qaida threats of retaliation, he says we should re-double our efforts to fight terrorism.

Isakson says the successful operation to find and kill bin Laden is an important symbol for the American people, as evidenced by the spontaneous celebrations that have occurred around the country.

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) calls bin Laden's death at the hands of U.S. Special Forces in Pakistan late Sunday a "historic moment" for the nation's intelligence community.


A Gainesville man who was in New York in the days just after 9/11 says he can only imagine the sense of relief the relatives and friends of those killed that day are feeling.

"I thought, in particular, about a little boy who was 3-and-a-half to four-years-old," Harris Blackwood told the Bill & Joel Morning Show on WDUN. "You've got to wonder how even he feels because he's old enough now to understand this."

Blackwood was among countless people from all over the country who went to New York right after the World Trade Center was hit to to comfort and help those who lost someone dear to them in the attack.

A retired Army officer from Georgia, also appearing on the Bill & Joel Morning Show, praised the U.S. military for keeping up the pressure on terrorists around the world, particularly in Afghanistan.

"Kudos to all those young soldiers who participate in this effort, in this war," Lt. Col. (USA Ret.) David Gordon said.

Gordon, who has a son in Iraq, is president of the Georgia Mountains Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America. He was on the program to discuss a benefit golf tournament coming up June 6 at Lake Lanier Islands for wounded soldiers.

A financial advisor from Gainesville said it didn't take long for the death of bin Laden to begin affecting the economy worldwide.

John Lilly of Wells Fargo Advisors told Bill and Joel "bad guys running around doing bad things" have contributed to rising oil prices and, in turn, rising gasoline prices "but the main bad guy being gone...(was driving) down oil prices this morning (Monday morning.)"

However, Lilly said that is likely to only be a short-term reprieve, while adding that this development is very good for the U.S. Dollar.

"People will go out of the safety of the dollar," he said, "and go into other investments (and) that will make the dollar look better."
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