GAINESVILLE - Early voting got underway Wednesday morning for the March 15 SPLOST (Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax) referendum in Hall County.
Voters are being asked to approve an extension of the education SPLOST. Early voting is taking place at the elections office on Browns Bridge Road and will continue through March 11.
Interim Director of Elections and Voter Registration Charlotte Sosebee says the hours for early voting are 8:00-5:00 daily, Monday through Friday. However, she says absentee ballots will not be available for mail-out until Monday, Feb. 14, and can be requested by mail or fax.
Sosebee said the last day to register to vote in the referendum is also Feb. 14 and sample ballots are available by mail, in the elections office or on the office's Web site.
Though Hall County offices will be closed Feb. 14 for another unpaid furlough day, the elections office will be open for early voting and voter registration.