Saturday September 21st, 2024 3:40PM

New rule blocks illegal immigrants from getting Mich. driver's licenses

By Ken Stanford Contributing Editor
LANSING, Mich. - Michigan will no longer let illegal immigrants get driver's licenses, a practice just seven other states continue to allow.

Meanwhile, city leaders in a Dallas suburb continue to try to block rentals to illegal immigrants. (See separate story).

Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land, who oversees the motor vehicle department, announced the new policy Monday and said it takes effect Tuesday.

The new policy - which went into effect Tuesday - also bars people who are legal but not permanent U.S. residents from getting licenses. Legislation to allow those on temporary work or student visas to get licenses is pending in the Legislature.

The change is aimed at complying with an opinion issued last month by Attorney General Mike Cox, who said granting licenses to illegal immigrants is inconsistent with federal law. Opinions by the attorney general's office are legally binding on state agencies and officers unless reversed by the courts.

The new policy applies to first-time applicants for a Michigan driver's license or identification card. Updated procedures for renewals will be released soon.

``This is one more tool in our initiative to bolster Michigan's border and document security,'' Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land said in a statement. ``It also puts Michigan's procedure in line with those of most other states.'' Land's office oversees the state's motor vehicle department.

Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Washington do not require drivers to prove legal status to obtain a license. Michigan borders Canada and contains some of the nation's busiest boundary crossings.

Driver's licenses are among several hot-button issues surrounding the debate over illegal immigration. New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer last year proposed allowing illegal immigrants to get licenses, but withdrew the idea under heavy criticism.
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