GAINESVILLE - The ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) has begun to release results from the most recent test administration which occurred last fall. <br />
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Hall County school officials report math computation scores for the youngest children show "highly significant gains. "<br />
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"With our focus on developing mathematics specialists at all elementary grades, the implementation of Calendar Math, and our movement towards Singapore Math, these results are some of the most impressive gains I have ever witnessed in a very short period of time," Superintendent Will Schofield said.<br />
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Schofield went on to say "our balanced Literacy program for the primary grades is showing noteworthy gains in grades two through four."<br />
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"We are pleased that students identified as Gifted and Talented in grade three scored between the 93rd and 97th Percentile nationally in all core areas of the exam," Schofield added. "In grade five, they scored between the 85th and 93rd Percentile." <br />
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The school system is currently compiling the results of students "new" to Hall County. "Recall that last year, our elementary and middle grades had nearly 1,600 new students whose scores were significantly lower in all areas than students who had been in our system two or more years," Schofield said.<br />
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The results show that the English Language Learners (ELL) in the system "continue to struggle on these measures of student achievement,", Schofield said, "reinforcing our belief that a fundamental understanding of the English language is paramount to students' ability to be successful academically."