SUGAR HILL - It would mean an increase in the tax rate of nearly four mills if approved by Sugar Hill voters... it's a plan to create a police department in the North Gwinnett town.
The question will be put to the voters during the Nov. 6 city election.
City officials say their research shows it will take a budget of about $2 million to establish, fund, and maintain a police department. That would require a city property tax rate increase of 3.8 mils. For an appraised home of $200,000, this would be approximately a $300 increase.
Sugar Hill currently hires off duty Gwinnett County police officers to supplement the coverage provided by the North Gwinnett Police Precinct, at a cost of $180,000 per year.
Another referendum will also be on the ballot Nov. 6.
It calls for the creation of a Tax Allocation District (TAD). TADs are used as a method of financing redevelopment activities in underdeveloped areas. Redevelopment costs are financed through the pledge of future increases in property taxes resulting from new development and resulting higher property values.
City officials emphasize that creation of a TAD will not mean an increase in property taxes.