<p>Wrestling star Lex Luger has been arrested for DUI and other charges.</p><p>The wrestler _ whose real name is Lawrence Pfohl _ was seen by a Cobb County police officer stopped on the side of Interstate 575 on Monday morning.</p><p>The officer found Pfohl, 46, slumped over the steering wheel of his vehicle, said Nicole Ebbeskotte of the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office. Pfohl woke up and drove away but the Cobb County officer called authorities in neighboring Cherokee County for assistance.</p><p>Pfohl, who lives in Marietta, was arrested and charged with DUI, driving on an expired tag, alteration of tag, no proof of insurance and open container, Ebbeskotte said.</p><p>Pfohl's girlfriend, wrestling icon "Miss Elizabeth" Hulette, died at the home they shared in April 2003 from an overdose of pills and alcohol. Pfohl was arrested then on drug charges.</p><p>___</p><p>HASH(0x2868214)</p>