Sunday March 16th, 2025 11:01AM

Board of Education approves evolution curriculum

By The Associated Press
<p>With little discussion of the controversy that motivated them, the state Board of Education on Thursday unanimously adopted a revised biology curriculum plan that leaves the word evolution in place.</p><p>It is a move aimed at ending the firestorm of criticism that began when the state superintendent called for evolution to be replaced by the phrase biological changes over time in the curriculum.</p><p>The draft approved during Thursdays special meeting goes further than the states current standards to back the teaching of the evolution theory. The new draft will become the working version of the document the board will ultimately vote on in June.</p><p>The revised draft was posted on the Department of Education Web site later Thursday.</p><p>This is now a second-to-none curriculum, said board member Peggy Nielson, of Albany. Im very pleased with the process that brought us where we are today.</p><p>Nielsons was one of only a few comments directly addressing the evolution controversy _ which drew public criticism from former President Jimmy Carter, Gov. Sonny Perdue and other high-level education and political leaders.</p><p>Carter, who had said the move to eliminate the word was an embarrassment, issued a statement Thursday welcoming the boards decision. This policy will help guarantee to Georgias students and teachers a world-class curriculum that will help boost student achievement to new heights, he said.</p><p>Before the vote _ cast over telephone lines via a conference call _ Superintendent Kathy Cox led the board in a 30-minute discussion focusing almost solely on future plans for overhauling Georgias public school curriculum.</p><p>She said the conversation was needed as the board addresses a curriculum critics say needs major revision and that it was not an effort to downplay the evolution debate.</p><p>Weve had the conversation about that, said Cox, a Republican. People have spoken up, weve revised the draft and were moving on.</p><p>Cox declined to answer further questions about the controversy, including one seeking to determine how she came to her decision to remove the word evolution.</p><p>Cox had asked for a quick resolution of the biology curriculum after she was criticized for her proposal. A team of science teachers was called to Atlanta last week _ a week ahead of schedule _ to revise the draft.</p><p>The new draft states that molecular evidence substantiates the anatomical evidence for evolution and contains multiple references to scientist Charles Darwin and his theory of natural selection.</p><p>The vast majority of scientists believe the theory of evolution, which states that all living life forms evolved from earlier, more primitive life forms, is the basis for the teaching of biology.</p><p>Some religious beliefs do not accept that view.</p><p>Cox changed her mind about the word on Feb. 5, saying evolution would be returned to the states suggested curriculum.</p><p>Board members noted that, despite their vote, the curriculum could change again before it is ultimately approved.</p><p>It needs to be emphasized that this is not cast in stone, said board member Dean Alford, of Conyers. There is still going to be a lot of input and Im sure a lot of people will have comments.</p><p>___</p><p>On the Net:</p><p>HASH(0x2865a88)</p>
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