GAINESVILLE - Gainesville Friday gained the national honor of "Sterling City" because it has received the Tree City growth award for so long.
Chief Forest Ranger Ken Masten made the announcement during the Arbor Day celebration at the Civic Center.
Gainesville has received the tree growth award for 12 years and is in its 16th year as a Tree City.
Gainesville is not only a Tree City, U.S.A., it is a champion tree city.
During the Arbor Day Celebration, participants learned that the number of champion trees in Gainesville has grown to 70, with 36 new champion trees reported.
Chief Senior Forest Ranger Roger Lane said there were nine state champion trees in Gainesville, with one national champion, a Mexican plumb tree.
It was also announced that a Southern Magnolia tree will be planted in memory of Ed Dodd, creator of the newspaper character Mark Trail.
Dodd lived in Gainesville and was an avid conservationist who delivered his preservation message through his daily newspaper strip.