When many of us think of summer gardening, we almost exclusively think of vegetables. Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, okra, squash, and peas are some of our favorites. However, why not try growing some herbs. Many herbs are practically pest free, and require less water than many of our typical garden crops.
One such herb worth trying is dill. Dill is an excellent herb for the southern garden with many culinary uses. It's valued both for its flavorful foliage and pungent seeds. Fresh or dried, dill leaves add a distinctive flavor to salads, meats, vegetables, and soups. Used whole or ground, dill seeds add zest to breads and cheeses.
Dill plants are annuals. They die each year, but their seeds can overwinter in the soil to pop up the following year. Dill grows well in gardens throughout the country.
Properly planted, dill grows so fast that some its foliage is mature enough to be harvested in only eight weeks. Plan to sow several crops in succession, three weeks apart, to assure a supply over the growing season. Dill does best in full sun with a little afternoon shade.
Dill is fairly tolerant of poor soil. Still, it does prefer a well-drained site. It's a light feeder, so you don't need too much fertilizer. To sow seeds directly in the garden in rows, make a line in the soil about a half inch deep. Then, drop the tiny seeds into the indented rows. Cover the seeds, and with a little rain you should see sprouts in a couple of weeks.
To plant seedlings, choose an overcast day or wait until the late afternoon. It's a good idea to shield the new transplants from bright sun the first day or two while they cope with the shock of being transplanted.
Space your dill plants 8 to 10 inches apart if you plan to harvest the leaves, or about a foot apart if you plan to harvest dill seed. Be very careful not to disturb the taproot. Depending on the variety, these fast growing dill plants will grow to maturity and set seed in about 60 days.
In poor soil, dill needs a good deep soaking about once per week in the absence of rain. With our current drought, those of you with a well will probably fair better. However, you can recycle water from bathing and kitchen clean-up to irrigate your beds.
It's also a great idea to spread a 2 to 4 inch layer of mulch around the plants when they're about 6 inches tall. This will discourage weeds and help keep the soil moist. Add more mulch as it decomposes in the summer heat.
Dill is typically a disappearing target for insect pests. Its fast growth and quick harvest allow little time for aphids and other insects to cause a problem. Occasionally, tomato hornworm will attack dill foliage. Your best bet is to pick them off. After all, they will become a butterfly a little later.
Billy Skaggs is a Agricultural Agent Hall County Extension Coordinator - 734 East Crescent Drive Gainesville, GA 30501 Phone:(770)531-6988 Fax: (770)531-3994 Email: [email protected]