Monday March 10th, 2025 6:15PM

Greenwood hospital to pursue incentive given doctor now up on gun charges

GREENWOOD, MISSISSIPPI - A Greenwood hospital will seek repayment of incentives given an obstetrician to relocate if the doctor can&#39;t live up to the deal, an official says. <br> <br> Dr. Jerry Lee, who has applied for a license to practice in Mississippi, has been indicted on a felony weapons charge in Georgia. <br> <br> ``I cannot go into it, but I&#39;m not concerned about any arrangements we have with Dr. Lee,&#39;&#39; said Bob Barrett, executive director of Greenwood Leflore Hospital. <br> <br> Barrett declined to specify what Lee was offered to locate in Greenwood. It is not unusual for a hospital to provide financial incentives to attract physicians. Barrett said the hospital did not give Lee a moving allowance or back any bank loans. <br> <br> If Lee fails to get his state license, the money must be repaid, Barrett said Thursday. <br> <br> The gun charge is the second felony Lee has faced this year. <br> <br> On Sept. 10, he was acquitted of aggravated sexual battery and convicted of misdemeanor battery while living in Georgia. <br> <br> Lee, 42, moved from Georgia to Greenwood in August and applied for a license to practice obstetrics at Greenwood Leflore Hospital. <br> <br> His application is being processed by the Mississippi Board of Medical Licensure. Board officials said this week nothing will be done on Lee&#39;s application until they see what the court in Georgia does. <br> <br> Barrett said hospital officials were not fully aware of the legal difficulties surrounding Lee when the doctor was being recruited. <br> <br> Lee was indicted by a grand jury in Augusta, Ga., on Sept. 27 for unlawful possession of a firearm. Lee has pleaded innocent. His trial is scheduled for Oct. 28 in Augusta. <br> <br> If convicted, Lee could serve five years in prison, officials said. <br> <br> Police found an illegally converted automatic machine gun in Lee&#39;s Georgia home last December. The gun was found in a room with between 40 and 70 other guns, lawmen said. <br> <br> Police found the gun while responding to a domestic violence call at Lee&#39;s home. He was charged with and later acquitted of aggravated sexual assault of his wife, but convicted of misdemeanor battery. He was sentenced to 12 months probation and a $1,000 fine. <br> <br> Barrett said the Greenwood Leflore Hospital has hired two obstetricians, Dr. Charles Ren of Tennessee and Dr. John Sekharan of Florida, to provide coverage through the end of the year. <br> <br> They were joined last month by Dr. Robbye McNair, who returned to her practice following a maternity leave. Another obstetrician, Dr. Burton Price of Mobile, Ala., is scheduled to begin practicing in Greenwood after the first of the year.
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