Greenwood hospital to pursue incentive given doctor now up on gun charges
Posted 3:34PM on Friday, October 4, 2002
GREENWOOD, MISSISSIPPI - A Greenwood hospital will seek repayment of incentives given an obstetrician to relocate if the doctor can't live up to the deal, an official says. <br>
Dr. Jerry Lee, who has applied for a license to practice in Mississippi, has been indicted on a felony weapons charge in Georgia. <br>
``I cannot go into it, but I'm not concerned about any arrangements we have with Dr. Lee,'' said Bob Barrett, executive director of Greenwood Leflore Hospital. <br>
Barrett declined to specify what Lee was offered to locate in Greenwood. It is not unusual for a hospital to provide financial incentives to attract physicians. Barrett said the hospital did not give Lee a moving allowance or back any bank loans. <br>
If Lee fails to get his state license, the money must be repaid, Barrett said Thursday. <br>
The gun charge is the second felony Lee has faced this year. <br>
On Sept. 10, he was acquitted of aggravated sexual battery and convicted of misdemeanor battery while living in Georgia. <br>
Lee, 42, moved from Georgia to Greenwood in August and applied for a license to practice obstetrics at Greenwood Leflore Hospital. <br>
His application is being processed by the Mississippi Board of Medical Licensure. Board officials said this week nothing will be done on Lee's application until they see what the court in Georgia does. <br>
Barrett said hospital officials were not fully aware of the legal difficulties surrounding Lee when the doctor was being recruited. <br>
Lee was indicted by a grand jury in Augusta, Ga., on Sept. 27 for unlawful possession of a firearm. Lee has pleaded innocent. His trial is scheduled for Oct. 28 in Augusta. <br>
If convicted, Lee could serve five years in prison, officials said. <br>
Police found an illegally converted automatic machine gun in Lee's Georgia home last December. The gun was found in a room with between 40 and 70 other guns, lawmen said. <br>
Police found the gun while responding to a domestic violence call at Lee's home. He was charged with and later acquitted of aggravated sexual assault of his wife, but convicted of misdemeanor battery. He was sentenced to 12 months probation and a $1,000 fine. <br>
Barrett said the Greenwood Leflore Hospital has hired two obstetricians, Dr. Charles Ren of Tennessee and Dr. John Sekharan of Florida, to provide coverage through the end of the year. <br>
They were joined last month by Dr. Robbye McNair, who returned to her practice following a maternity leave. Another obstetrician, Dr. Burton Price of Mobile, Ala., is scheduled to begin practicing in Greenwood after the first of the year.