Sunday January 19th, 2025 10:06AM
A&E 'Intervention' host to speak next week at Intervention: The Truth About Consequences forum
The Partnership for Drug Free Hall will host its latest forum Thursday for families struggling with drug and alcohol addiction
11:00AM ( 6 years ago )
LISTEN: Medical expert describes the recently-released report from an Opioid Task Force
Dr. Patrice Harris, Chair of the American Medical Association Opioid Task Force, joins the show to discus the task force's recent report on opioid abuse and the progress made in the effort to reverse the ongoing epidemic.
5:00AM ( 6 years ago )
LISTEN: Addiction expert talks opioid abuse among the elderly
Dr. John Dyben joins the show to discuss the disturbing trend of increasing opioid abuse among the U.S. elderly population.
6:00AM ( 6 years ago )
More End the Epidemic interviews
Interviews from WDUN

What are opiods?

Opiods are drugs that reduce the intensity of pain signals. The word “opiod” comes from opium, a drug made from the poppy plant

What are they used for?

Many teens and young adults first use opiods when they are prescribed them by a dentist or oral surgeon, often for the removal of molars. Other teens and young adults may be prescribed them for a sports injury.

Why do some teens and young adults abuse opiods?

For a variety of reason – to party and to get high, or to cope with academic, social or emotional stress.

How do they abuse them?

Sometimes people get high by crushing pills into powder to snort, swallow or inject (after dissolving in water). Heroin in an illegal opiod that can be snorted, injected or smoked.

Where do they get the drugs?

The majority of teens and young adults abusing prescription drugs get them from medicine cabinets of family members and friends. Some hand out or sell their extra pills or pills they’ve acquired or stolen from classmates. A small minority of teens and young adults say they get their prescription drugs illicitly from doctors, pharmacists or online.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Get the facts on the misuse and abuse of prescription opioids such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, morphine, and codeine, and the illegal opioid, heroin. (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services)

Centers for Disease Control
CDC (Centers for Disease Control) information on the Opioid Epidemic.

The Partnership at Drug Free
The Partnership at helps parents find a wealth of information, tools and opportunities to connect with other parents and caregivers who may have a child struggling with addiction.

Foundation for a Drug Free World
The Foundation for a Drug-Free World is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live drug free.

Stop Alcohol Abuse
On behalf of ICCPUD, SAMHSA maintains this website as a portal to Government-approved materials on underage drinking. The site also gives information on the Federal plan addressing this issue, a catalog of related Federal programs, and other information.

Center Point Prevention Program
Center Point Prevention Program covering the topics: Alcohol, Marijuana, Drugs and the Law, Conversation Starters for parents and youth.

For more information: [email protected]
LISTEN: The JFK Conspiracy
Brad Meltzer shares details about a story almost lost to history: the failed assassination of President-Elect John F. Kennedy in 1960.
11:18AM ( 1 day ago )