Saturday March 1st, 2025 12:28PM
11:00AM ( 1 hour ago ) Weather Alert

Ken Stanford

Contributing Editor
Ken  Stanford
347 to graduate from Piedmont Sat.
2:02PM ( 10 years ago )
GM issues 6 more safety recalls
General Motors issued six more recalls on Wednesday, bringing its annual total to 60 recalls covering almost 30 million vehicles.
1:49PM ( 10 years ago )
Lanier Child Passenger Safety group recognized by state organization
The Lanier Child Passenger Safety Task Force (LCPSTF) was recently presented with a 2014 Buckle Up, America! Award at a ceremony in Macon.
1:47PM ( 10 years ago )
Obama declares Washington wildfire emergency
Wetter, cooler weather has helped firefighters make progress in their efforts to get the largest wildfire in Washington state's history under control.
1:45PM ( 10 years ago )
Agents get subsidized 'Obamacare' using fake IDs
Undercover investigators using fake identities were able to secure taxpayer-subsidized health insurance under President Barack Obama's health care law, congressional investigators said Wednesday.
1:42PM ( 10 years ago )
Oakwood mayor back home after hospitalization
City Manager Stan Brown says Oakwood Mayor Lamar Scroggs is back home after being hospitalized for a drop in blood pressure.
11:52AM ( 10 years ago )
House GOP: Send National Guard, speed removals
House Republicans want to slash President Barack Obama's emergency spending request for the border, speed young migrants back home to Central America, and send in the National Guard.
10:59AM ( 10 years ago )
UCB recognizes top performing employees
United Community Bank is recognizing its top performing individuals
and bank teams who exhibited exceptional sales and service excellence during the second quarter.
10:22AM ( 10 years ago )
GHMPO sets date for next community meeting on transportation issues
The Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization (GHMPO) has set the date for a second community meeting on transportation issues in the area.
9:56AM ( 10 years ago )