Wednesday March 5th, 2025 1:09PM

New subdivision, amended billboard regulations on local planning board agendas

By Ken Stanford Contributing Editor

A new subdivision and amended billboard regulations are among the items expected to be considered over the next two weeks by the Hall County and Gainesville planning boards. 


The board's agenda includes a proposed amendment the city says updates and better clarifies the sign code.

Some of the changes include providing additional definitions and illustrations for easier interpretation, updating the sign illumination standards, addressing accessory ground sign standards and modifying standards for electronic message boards. 

One of the more significant changes, according to the agenda, provides for a process to convert an existing billboard to an electronic changeable copy (digital billboard) so as to reduce the overall number of billboards within the city limits.  The process requires three square feet of existing billboard area to be removed for every one square foot of new electronic changeable copy (digital billboard) area, upon application review and approval from staff and City Council. Other standards require no new billboard locations and limitations on billboard size, height and illumination.

"For some time, we have been focused on improving the gateways into the city with requirements such as enhanced landscaping, monument style signs for new development, recently adopted architectural guidelines and now by not allowing any new billboard locations," Gainesville Community Development Director Rusty Ligon said in an email.

The planning and appeals board is also scheduled to consider a request to change the name of a section of Howard Road to Lanier Tech Drive.

"The applicant (Rochester & Associates) is proposing to rename Howard Road located on the east side of State Route 365," according to the agenda for the meeting. "The new road name is to be called Lanier Tech Drive which will primarily serve the new Lanier Tech campus currently under construction."

The agenda further states that "if approved, there are two nearby undeveloped properties not owned by Lanier Tech that have a Howard Road address and will require an address change."

The segment of Howard Road located west of SR 365 next to the YMCA will not be changed."

The board meets next Tuesday.


When the Hall County Planning Commission meets Dec. 19, items expected to be on its agenda include plans for a 185-lot subdivision on Buffington Farm Road at Water Lily Drive.  Green Implementation Group, LLC is asking to rezone the 110.9-acre tract from Agriculatural Residential III to Planned Residential Development and to amend conditions of the existing PRD.

Also, the commission will be asked to approve a rezoning for a church sanctuary at Cross Plains Road and Dixieland Farm Road.  Cross Plains Baptist Church was the 3.6-acre site rezoned from Agricultural-Residential IV and Industrial-II to Agricultural-Residential IV.

  • Associated Categories: Homepage, Business News, Local/State News, Politics, Local Business News
  • Associated Tags: lanier tech, lanier technical college, Gainesville Planning and Appeals Board
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