Friday April 19th, 2024 10:20AM

WDUN Morning Show

LISTEN: Can the Deep State be killed?
Jerome Corsi, author of "Killing the Deep State", talks with Bill and Joel about the nature of the deep state. The CIA, FBI, DOJ, with so much alphabet soup who is really running things? Corsi sorts threw the tangle of bureaucrats for an answer.
3:16PM ( 6 years ago )
LISTEN: Giles Milton reveals some of the untold story of Churchill's ungentlemanly warfare.
Not many have heard of Winston Churchill's top-secret, six-man cohort he hand-picked to sabotage Hitler's War Machine. Now author Giles Milton tells the true story in his book "Churchill's Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare."
3:16PM ( 6 years ago )