Friday April 26th, 2024 12:50PM

WDUN Morning Show

LISTEN: Author Steve Berry on his new MLK-inspired book "The Bishop's Pawn"
Steve Berry joins the show the talk about his newly-released book "The Bishop's Pawn," a thriller focusing on the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, and the subsequent investigation.
6:32PM ( 6 years ago )
LISTEN: The proper way to clean you toilet, courtesy of Roberts Plumbing
Plumbing expert Scott Roberts of Roberts Plumbing joins the show to talk about the proper techniques to use in order to maximize the cleanliness of your toilet.
6:15PM ( 6 years ago )
LISTEN: Dr. Brent Sharpe of ATE Georgia Urology on male incontinence
Urologist Dr. Brent Sharpe joins Bill & Joel to talks about male incontinence, especially issues that may arise following prostate surgery.
7:24AM ( 6 years ago )
LISTEN: Can video games prepare you for a future in cybersecurity?
Gary Davis with computer security giant McAfee joins Bill & Joel to talk about how video gamers are unwittingly preparing themselves for a successful career in cybersecurity.
7:15PM ( 6 years ago )
LISTEN: Best-selling author Marcia Higgins Clark discusses her latest publication
New York Times bestselling author Marcia Higgins Clark, still in top form at 90 years old, joins the show to talk about her newest thriller, "I've Got My Eyes on You," and her plans for the rest of 2018.
6:00AM ( 6 years ago )
LISTEN: Anita Thomas of Travel Bags takes us on a tour of Fredericksburg, Tx
Calling in from Fredericksburg, Texas, Anita Thomas from Travel Bags takes listeners on a tour of the historic city, recommending the best restaurants and attractions for those looking a for a little getaway in the heart of the Lone Star state.
6:54PM ( 6 years ago )
LISTEN: Frank Norton Jr. on the Gainesville Post Office's change of address
Frank Norton Jr. discusses the opportunities afforded to the community by moving Gainesville's main post office off of Green Street.
10:33AM ( 6 years ago )
LISTEN: "Songs of Praise for a Flower," one author's first-hand account of life as a woman in 20th-Century China
Charlene Chu joins the shows to discuss the memoirs of her 92-year-old cousin Fengxian Chu. "Songs of Praise for a Flower" offers an account of life in rural China between the 1920's and 1980's, all through the eyes of a woman who experienced it first-hand.
6:10AM ( 6 years ago )