Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper said the department is working to address the state’s first commercial poultry detection of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Elbert County.
Two people were taken to Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville after a Saturday morning wreck with entrapment on GA. 365 northbound at Wilbanks Road in Baldwin.
The Flowery Branch City Council gave its first approval for annexation and rezoning to allow a large-scale Pickleball Facility at 4272 Thurmond Tanner Parkway.
Winter weather continues to impact the Northeast Georgia area, with some local school systems announcing closures or altered schedules for Friday, January 17.
Winter weather continues to impact the Northeast Georgia area, with some local school systems announcing closures or altered schedules for Wednesday, Jan. 15.
Assistant County Administrator Katie Crumley will resign from her role with Hall County to invest more time with her family after serving in the role since Jan. 2023.