Sunday June 16th, 2024 11:17AM

The Associated Press

The Associated Press is an American multinational nonprofit news agency headquartered in New York City. The AP is owned by its contributing newspapers, radio, and television stations in the United States, all of which contribute stories to the AP and use material written by its staff journalists.
The Associated Press
AP PHOTOS: In North America, 2023 was a year for all the emotions
To look is to be charmed
12:42AM ( 5 months ago )
Homeless numbers in Los Angeles could surge again, even as thousands move to temporary shelter
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass has moved over 21,000 homeless people into temporary shelter in the last year
12:34AM ( 5 months ago )
Ukraine ends year disappointed by stalemate with Russia, and anxious about aid from allies
The year started with high hopes for Ukrainian troops planning a counteroffensive against Russia
12:17AM ( 5 months ago )
5 more boats packed with refugees approach Indonesia's shores, air force says
Indonesian authorities have detected at least five boats packed tight with Rohingya refugees approaching the shores of Aceh province
12:17AM ( 5 months ago )
Taylor Swift's new romance, debt-erasing gifts and the eclipse are among most joyous moments of 2023
A romance that united sports and music fans, a celestial wonder that drew millions of eyes skyward and a spiritual homecoming for some Native American tribes were just some of the moments that inspired us and brought joy in 2023
12:15AM ( 5 months ago )
After 2 grisly killings, a small Nebraska community wonders if any place is really safe
Two brutal killings in four months have left 1,100 residents in a tiny corner of eastern Nebraska reeling
12:10AM ( 5 months ago )
A woman shot with a crossbow and a priest stabbed in a rectory shake a small Nebraska town
Two brutal killings in four months have left 1,100 residents in a tiny corner of eastern Nebraska reeling
12:10AM ( 5 months ago )
US is engaging in high-level diplomacy to avoid vetoing a UN resolution on critical aid for Gaza
The United States, key allies and Arab nations are engaging in high-level diplomacy in hopes of avoiding another U.S. veto of a new U.N. resolution on desperately needed aid to Gaza ahead of a long-delayed vote now scheduled for Thursday morning
12:09AM ( 5 months ago )
Agreement on UN resolution on critical aid for Gaza is 'very close' and vote expected, sponsor says
The United States, key allies and Arab nations are engaging in high-level diplomacy in hopes of avoiding another U.S. veto of a United Nations resolution on desperately needed aid to Gaza
12:09AM ( 5 months ago )
UN again delays vote on watered-down Gaza aid resolution. The US backs it, others want stronger text
The U.N. Security Council has again delayed a vote on a watered-down resolution to deliver desperately needed aid to Gaza
12:09AM ( 5 months ago )