Delivering the keynote address at the Lilburn Business Association, State Senator Casey Cagle of Gainesville, a candidate for Lt. Governor, unveiled the first major policy proposal of the campaign.
The head of the state department concerned with early child care and learning plans a visit to Gainesville College next week - and fall semester began at GC Wednesday.
Gainesville High is going all-out for the first game of the new football season Friday night which will be played on new turf at a renovated Bobby Gruhn Field at City Park.
The Brenau University Department of Nursing has applied for initial accreditation through the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) for the baccalaureate degree program.
Workers began resurfacing the main north-south artery through Gainesville Sunday night - and by 4:30 Monday morning had worked their way as far north as Jewell Parkway.