Lifeline, an affiliate of Northeast Georgia Medical Center (NGMC), recognized volunteers who work with the emergency response system at a recent luncheon on Wednesday.
Thousands of people from around the country descended on the Phoenix area Saturday as supporters and opponents of Arizona's tough new crackdown on illegal immigration held separate rallies.
A Georgia bank's suit against a Republican running for Congress and a prominent leader in the state's Senate continues to generate comment on a number of fronts as does the issue of the contents of a campaign call on behalf of the other congressional candidate.
The Hall County School System has found a way to save thousands of dollars on fuel for its buses and has been approved for a $3 million interest-free bonding for upgrade classroom technology.
Heavy thunderstorms have sent hail crashing down on Georgia, disrupted flights, toppled trees into a houses and shut down electricity service for thousands of residents.
Federal court in Gainesville was setting Friday as three north Georgia men were sentenced by U.S. District Judge Richard W. Story on charges related to the theft of 40 firearms from a licensed federal firearms dealer in Jasper.
Gary Coleman, the child star of the smash 1970s TV sitcom ``Diff'rent Strokes'' whose later career was marred by medical and legal problems, has died after suffering an intercranial hemorrhage. He was 42.