Saturday March 15th, 2025 5:46AM

Ken Stanford

Contributing Editor
Ken  Stanford
GOP, Democrats ready rival emergency debt plans
With bipartisan debt-limit talks deadlocked, House Republicans and Senate Democrats readied rival emergency fallback plans Sunday in hopes of reassuring world financial markets the U.S. government will avoid an unprecedented default.
7:24PM ( 13 years ago )
Ga. colleges on 'spending spree' despite economy
A newspaper investigation has found that the University System of Georgia has been on a spending spree as billions have been cut from the state's budget during the recession.
6:32PM ( 13 years ago )
11 injured in church van crash in Atlanta
Authorities say a church van crashed into another vehicle in downtown Atlanta, injuring 11 people.
4:36PM ( 13 years ago )
Few sex offenders apply to get off Ga. registry
More than a year after Georgia legislators scaled back tough sex offender restrictions, only a handful of convicts have taken advantage of new rules that allow some to petition to get off the statewide sex offender registry.
3:19PM ( 13 years ago )
Couples wed on 1st day gay marriage is legal in NY
Buoyant gay couples cheered by supporters began marrying Sunday on the landmark day that New York became the sixth and largest state to recognize same-sex weddings and provided fresh energy to the national gay rights movement.
2:00PM ( 13 years ago )
Catching up
There's been a lot of water under the bridge, as they say, since we last visited in this space.
8:33AM ( 13 years ago )
1st-time jobless insurance claims in Gainesville up
Initial unemployment insurance claims in Georgia were down over the past twelve months by 9 percent, but in Gainesville they were up by the largest percentage of any metro area in the state.
6:10AM ( 13 years ago )
Walter Reed to close after more than a century
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, the Army's flagship hospital where privates to presidents have gone for care, is closing its doors after more than a century.
10:57PM ( 13 years ago )
Back home, Barrow Co. runaway teens to face consequences
Two Barrow County 13-year-olds who led police on a daylong manhunt into South Carolina are back home and awaiting their fate.
6:19PM ( 13 years ago )
Work on Ga. 365 resurfacing continuing through weekend
Work will continue each night this weekend on the resurfacing of 21 miles of Georgia 365 between Lula and Cornelia including the additional work zone that was added this week.
11:33AM ( 13 years ago )