Monday March 10th, 2025 5:01AM

Ken Stanford

Contributing Editor
Ken  Stanford
Ga. Power rate hike hearing is Tuesday
The Georgia Public Service Commission's hearing on a proposed Georgia Power rate increase is Tuesdasy.
11:11AM ( 11 years ago )
Oct. events calendar for Ga. State Parks released
The events calendar for October for state parks in Georgia has been released.
11:04AM ( 11 years ago )
Justice Dept to sue North Carolina over voter law
The Justice Department will sue the state of North Carolina for alleged racial discrimination over tough new voting rules, the latest effort by the Obama administration to fight back against a Supreme Court decision that struck down the most powerful part of the landmark Voting Rights Act and freed southern states from strict federal oversight of their elections.
10:45AM ( 11 years ago )
Arts Council announces date for next Casino Night
The Arts Council has announced the date for its next Casino Night fundraiser.
10:41AM ( 11 years ago )
Stocks open sharply lower as US nears shutdown
The stock market was down sharply in early trading as the U.S. federal government appears headed for a partial shutdown.
9:59AM ( 11 years ago )
Official launch of National Association of Communiversities
The National Association of Communiversities was officially launched recently at Featherbone Communiversity in Gainesville.
9:47AM ( 11 years ago )
Futures fall sharply as US careens toward shutdown
U.S. stock futures are falling sharply as the federal government careens toward a partial shutdown.
9:03AM ( 11 years ago )
Uneasy Gulf states weigh US-Iran overtures
Lost in the blizzard of attention on Iran's cautious openings to the U.S. was another bit of noteworthy outreach by President Hassan Rouhani: Sending greetings to Saudi Arabia's king and appealing for more cooperation between the two regional rivals.
8:59AM ( 11 years ago )