Saturday March 1st, 2025 3:12PM
2:00PM ( 1 hour ago ) Radio Alert
11:00AM ( 4 hours ago ) Weather Alert

Ken Stanford

Contributing Editor
Ken  Stanford
Centennial students raise $1,900 for cancer fight
Centennial Arts Academy came together during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month to "help make a difference."
1:18PM ( 11 years ago )
Towns Co. Christmas Tour of Homes Dec. 7
The Towns County Chamber of Commerce announces plans for a Christmas Tour of Homes Dec. 7.
12:57PM ( 11 years ago )
Deal closer: Iran concedes on right to enrich
Since the start of talks on Iran's nuclear program, Iran has asserted it has a right to enrich uranium - and the United States has disagreed. Both have refused to budge over nearly a decade of negotiations. Until now.
12:37PM ( 11 years ago )
Texas students cancel 'illegal immigrant game'
A conservative student group at the University of Texas cancelled their "Catch an Illegal Immigrant Game" on Tuesday, saying they feared retaliation by campus officials and counter-protests that could endanger their volunteers.
12:36PM ( 11 years ago )
Study: Kids are less fit than their parents were
Today's kids can't keep up with their parents. An analysis of studies on millions of children around the world finds they don't run as fast or as far as their parents did when they were young.
12:35PM ( 11 years ago )
Hall to test weather sirens, Citizens Alert System
Hall County Central Communications/E9-1-1 will conduct an audible test of the severe weather warning system Wednesday morning about 10:00. The sirens will sound for about three minutes.
10:29AM ( 11 years ago )
RMA hosting 9th Dist. Honor Chorus
10:09AM ( 11 years ago )
Gregory named Wells Fargo Greater Georgia Region President
Wells Fargo has named Chad Gregory region president for Greater Georgia, giving him leadership for consumer banking across the state outside Atlanta.
10:01AM ( 11 years ago )
Farm bill takes aim at state animal welfare laws
The future of state laws that regulate everything from the size of a hen's cage to the safe consumption of Gulf oysters may be at stake as farm bill negotiators work to resolve a long-simmering fight between agriculture and animal welfare interests.
9:16AM ( 11 years ago )