Saturday March 1st, 2025 12:13AM

Ken Stanford

Contributing Editor
Ken  Stanford
Gainesville civic leader dies
The funeral will be held Monday for Cheryl Hinderscheid of Gainesville, a woman who left her mark on the community through her numerous civic activities.
9:00AM ( 11 years ago )
Consumer behavior aggressively tracked this season
It's a big question for marketers: What kind of a buyer are you? And, as important, what are you willing to pay? In the search for answers this shopping season, consumer behavior online and off is being tracked aggressively with help from advances in technology.
8:23AM ( 11 years ago )
Latinos want gov't to look into LA County voting redistricting
The Obama administration is aggressively pursuing lawsuits over minority voting rights in Texas and North Carolina, but the Justice Department has not moved on evidence that the latest round of redistricting in Los Angeles County unfairly reduces the influence of Latino voters.
7:54AM ( 11 years ago )
Obama vists activists fasting for immigration
President Barack Obama on Friday told activists who are fasting to protest House inaction on immigration legislation that their "commitment to change" ultimately will help pressure lawmakers to act.
7:49AM ( 11 years ago )
Carter named NGTC Early Childhood Care & Education Program Director
Working toward a goal of beginning the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) program this Spring, North Georgia Technical College has hired Judy Carter as the program director and instructor.
10:00AM ( 11 years ago )
Technology updates at Hall Co. Probate Court
Some new technological updates are now in place at Hall County Probate Court.
9:10AM ( 11 years ago )
Ga. veterans face backlog of claims
Georgia veterans filing disability claims often face longer delays than their counterparts in other states.
8:51AM ( 11 years ago )