Monday May 20th, 2024 2:54PM

Intellectual Dishonesty in the Confirmation of Judge Jackson

By Martha Zoller
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson will be the next justice to the Supreme Court of the United States. I opposed her nomination in favor of Judge Michelle Childs but accepted from the beginning she would be confirmed. I opposed her on two fronts. First, in the confirmation hearings she would not express an opinion, as Justice Ginsberg and Justice Breyer did, against packing the court. Second, she said she could not define what a woman was because of the context and that she was not a biologist. Interpreting the law in many areas does require you to be able to define simple words. Of all the questions she was asked, the non-answer of this one, disqualified her in my opinion. It said she cared more about what the left-wing activists that supported her nomination thought than the truth. However, with that said, I wish her the best. 
There are those in the Senate, like Leader Schumer, and others who say voting against Judge, soon to be Justice, Jackson is racist. Words mean something. Being racist means you are superior or inferior to someone because of race. Voting for or against someone because of differences of ideology is not racist. To prove this, I use the example of our President, Joe Biden. He opposed the nomination and voted against Judge Janice Rogers Brown, an African American woman and voted against Justice Clarence Thomas, an African American man. I believe President Biden voted against their ideology. But if you buy into the Senate Leader’s logic and the media, if you vote against a black nominee, you are racist. So, is President Biden racist? 
Let’s acknowledge the progress we have made. There are many competent people of all backgrounds and that is how they should be judged. President Biden did a disservice to Judge Jackson by saying he was nominating a Black Woman. He should have said he was nominating the best, and then nominate his choice. 
And, as one of my callers said, “what does it matter if Judge Jackson is a Black woman if you can’t define ‘in this context’ what a woman is?” Let’s talk about it.
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