Wednesday May 1st, 2024 7:41PM

Fair and balanced

By Martha Zoller Host, Morning Talk

As a constant conservative analyst and broadcaster who has watched the growth of liberalism and the acceleration of censorship in the mainstream media, I urge conservatives to rethink the recent attacks on Fox News. I am a gal who lives in a small town in Northeast Georgia and because of 24-hour news I had the opportunity to appear on all the major cable channels and some of the so-called MSM ones. That need to fill time gave more voices an opportunity to be heard. The Fox News model in which the straight news was unbiased and the opinion shows were on the right allowed Fox to develop an audience that was mostly conservative but included center and left in big numbers and as a result changed minds. 

Many of my friends are leaving Fox News because they are not only towing the President’s line. Is that what you really want? A news source that only tells you what you want to hear and never look to the opposing view? I do not think so. 
Since the advent of news as a moneymaker, the mainstream media has gone hard left. You only need to look at what candidates they give money to. In every disclosure on this issue, journalists employed by traditional media outlets overwhelmingly support Democrat Party candidates. 

President Trump never got a fair shot from the media. While he caused some unforced errors, there was no fair reporting on the economy, foreign policy successes and that he was the first president in a long time that did not send our troops into harms way. There are many more successes, the biggest of which is the Operation Warp Speed success in getting several vaccines to market in less than a year. One Democrat strategist said, “Maybe he had it right all along, the only way to fight Covid is to get a vaccine.” 

But the media has another agenda. We see it with the media’s efforts to embrace socialism as mainstream with radical policies like the Green New Deal being advanced by Senator Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. And we saw it during the presidential campaign with the suppression of the Hunter Biden story.

Today, sources are active in my home state during the Georgia Senate runoffs, the results of which will determine the balance of power in Washington, DC. Americans like shared power and the pendulum will always swing back to that. Republicans will be able to restrain the left’s power by maintaining a majority in the U.S. Senate.
Just recently, MSNBC gave Stacey Abrams a platform to attack Mitch McConnell and Georgia’s two Republican Senate candidates. “Mitch McConnell has a vested interest in not only burning the house down, but blocking the firefighters from coming to save us,” said Abrams. “And unfortunately, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue are happy standing next to him holding the matches.” And let us not forget as we move towards a more balanced approach, Stacey Abrams has not conceded her loss in her run for Governor in 2018 and she’s claimed foul play in elections since then creating dark money organizations that spent money in Georgia and around the country but also made her a great deal of money. 
Fox News has consistently given conservative voices a platform to compete with the liberal media’s agenda. The network is with conservatives and President Trump 98% of the time – it is the only major outlet that has supported President Trump’s right to use the courts to confirm the results of the presidential race. It is the bulwark against the activism of CNN, MSNBC, and the Twitter-led Cancel Culture by actually giving conservatives a real voice.
Fox News isn’t perfect. Some of its journalists have missed the boat from time to time, but Fox has been side-by-side in the trenches as our most reliable ally for decades. Make no mistake about it, Fox News changed the world for conservatives, and by giving conservatives a voice it helped give rise to President Trump’s successful presidency.
There has to be balance in the voices heard and to encourage critical thinking on all issues and conservatives cannot abandon the number one voice for our values. The stakes are too high – across the country and here in Georgia.

Next week, we’ll look at the three issues Republicans should embrace when the dust settles in order to break the 50/50 deadlock.

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