Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce President Kit Dunlap joined Col. William Gallagher at Riverside Military Academy Thursday morning for a Pass and Review ceremony and to open the Chamber's first board meeting of the year.
Dunlap stood alongside the Commandant as cadets and recruits paraded past.
Riverside officials at the ceremony said 170 students were wearing little red squares, denoting they were Recruits On Campus (ROCs). Officials said there were 460 cadets enrolled as of Thursday at the academy.
Shortly after, Gallagher opened the Chamber meeting at the school's campus on Riverside Drive. He told the board what Riverside Military Academy is all about, as well as sharing some upcoming events, like Gallagher's Distinguished Speaker Series or the parade September 15 in which the ROCs will no longer bear their red squares.
"We were present at the Pass & Review and I got to be escorted by Col. William Gallagher, Commandant, and stand with him in front of the cadets that came in front of us in the parade," Dunlap said after the ceremony.
At the board meeting, various committees offered reports, including Melissa Tymchuk, who updated the board about art coming to the Jacobs Building and the Government Center and how all of the green space initiatives were adopted for Vision 2030; during the president's report, Dunlap focused on health care and two events coming up, including an opioid summit at the Brenau Downtown Center on September 26 and the HealthSmart Expo planned for October 11.
Before adjourning, the board recognized Hall County administrator Randy Knighton, who announced Wednesday he is taking another job.