Monday March 17th, 2025 2:18AM

Doug Collins joins opposition to GHMPO merger with Atlanta Regional Commission

9th District Congressman Doug Collins of Gainesville has joined the chorus of opposition to a rule that would force the Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization (GHMPO) to merge into the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC).

Leaders within the GHMPO and ARC are also opposed to the plan, citing the loss of local control and the added burden to ARC, which already holds more than 15 counties under its umbrella.

At issue is a law that forces metropolitan planning organizations (MPO's) that "touch" to merge together into a single entity. The GHMPO and ARC share borders in South Hall, West Jackson and South Forsyth counties.

"Gainesville-Hall is a separate and distinct metropolitan area from the Atlanta region," said Collins in a two-page letter addressed to Gregory Nadeau, administrator of the Federal Highway Administration.

"Were the GHMPO to be forced to merge with (ARC), it would undoubtedly lead to a dilution of Gainesville-Hall County's autonomy, and also force a distinct metropolitan area to compete with the behemoth of Atlanta."

The rule would also bring the MPO in Cartersville into ARC. All three parties are opposed to the merge.

"I urge the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transportation Administration to cease their efforts to eliminate the autonomy of smaller metropolitan areas and destroy local control that works so well," said Collins.

"Ceding local control from those who know the needs of the community best does not make sense, and would have serious negative consequences for the community I represent in Northeast Georgia."

  • Associated Categories: Homepage, Local/State News, Georgia News
  • Associated Tags: gainesville, hall county, transportation, politics, Doug Collins, GHMPO
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