The city of Suwanee has launched an open data website to allow residents more accessibility to the city's financial data.
City staff utilized a host of applications to publish the data in what they hope will be a more easy-to-read format, including charts and graphs, according to a press release.
“We’re big believers in authenticity and transparency in government, and that certainly includes our financials. Our citizens should be able to easily access and understand our spending. At its most simplified, this is the taxpayers’ money, and it’s their right to know that we are being fiscally responsible for their dollars,” said Amie Sakmar, Suwanee’s Director of Finance.
The system is designed to show residents how the budget is evolving throughout time, instead of a single snap shot during "budget season" when local governments are approving their plans ahead of the fiscal year.
“We will be using the open budget program to replace our monthly financial reports for departments and council,” said Sakmar.
“The new program will allow departments and council to obtain current data in a simple, non-technical manner. If our mayor likes looking at information as a bar graph, he can do it. The city clerk prefers a pie chart? She can do it. Planning director wants to know what has happened over the past five years? It can easily be done. The ability to obtain current information in different formats will help decision makers be successful in monitoring financial data, understanding trends, and identify budgetary problems before they occur.”
The website can be found here.