Friday May 10th, 2024 11:13AM

Hoverboards, similar devices banned from University of North Georgia buildings

Officials with the University of North Georgia have decided to prohibit a popular gadget from their campus buildings.

According to from UNG Police Chief Justin Gaines, Hoverboards, Swagways and other self-balancing electric scooters are not allowed in campus buildings, including classrooms, dorms and indoor recreational facilities.

The official policy is as follows:

Hoverboard Restrictions as of January 4, 2016
The use, possession, or storage of Hoverboards, Swagways, or similar devices, is prohibited in all UNG buildings.

Gaines said that the ban was prompted by fire concerns. The batteries in the devices have been reported to catch fire, including one incident at the Ritz-Carlton hotel on Lake Oconee in Greensboro and a ban on the devices on some major airlines.

"The overall concern was that with having them in the residence halls and in the buildings that it was just too dangerous at this point to allow them on campus without knowing that they're not going to catch fire," said Gaines. "So we made the decision to put the ban out."
Gaines said students return to campus next week, and they wanted to put the ban out prior to students return.

It's not prohibited to keep the devices in your vehicle, but Gaines strongly caution against doing so.

"I can't make anybody leave them out of their car," said Gaines, "but one of our concerns is if it's in a car, in a parking deck, that could be a particularly bad situation if it catches on fire."

Gaines said that the policy may change when additional safety standards can be developed.

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