Thursday March 6th, 2025 8:57PM

Business News

Daft's salary increases 18 percent at Coke
Coca-Cola chairman and chief executive Douglas Daft saw his salary increase 18 percent last year, with a compensation package that topped five million dollars and included a $500,000 jump in his annual bonus, which was $3.5 million.
5:49PM ( 23 years ago )
American firms sign more contracts to sell food to Cuba under a second round of sales
The Cuban government has signed a new round of contracts to buy $32 million of food from American agricultural firms, a trade group said Monday -- a move sure to whet the appetites of U.S. food companies eager to increase their sales to the island.
4:07PM ( 23 years ago )
Which way is up? Merrill market watchers at odds over stocks
There's a bit of a dustup going on at Merrill Lynch & Co., where the firm's chief economist is out with very bullish comments about stocks while its chief investment strategist is bearish.

3:30PM ( 23 years ago )
Rates rise in Treasury bill auction
Interest rates on short-term Treasury securities rose in Monday's auction.
1:56PM ( 23 years ago )
Lockheed, Union workers to meet
Federal mediators have scheduled meetings this week between Lockheed Martin and its workers after union members overwhelmingly rejected proposed contracts with the defense contractor and voted to strike.
11:35AM ( 23 years ago )
Russia bans U.S. poultry imports
Six years after its last embargo, Russia has banned the import of poultry from the United States.
10:14AM ( 23 years ago )
Internet access gap closing
For eighth-grader Dale Willis Jr., getting Internet access at home means no longer having to wait in line at the library for less than a half-hour at the computer.
10:12AM ( 23 years ago )
OPEC negotiates with Russian officials
OPEC's secretary-general began negotiating with top Russian officials Monday to persuade the world's second-biggest oil producer to keep exports down so world prices can stabilize.
10:03AM ( 23 years ago )
PT Cruiser going topless
DaimlerChrysler AG will announce Monday at the Geneva Auto Show it will build a convertible version of its popular PT Cruiser, the company said.
10:00AM ( 23 years ago )
Google programmer creates Internet buzz with cutesy logos
During the Olympics, when a speed-skating fox, a bear pushing a curling stone and other cutesy images adorned the "Google" logo on the popular Internet search engine, hundreds of users wrote in to compliment the art department.
8:05AM ( 23 years ago )