Monday May 20th, 2024 10:58AM

AP Online - Georgia News

Storms kill a pregnant woman in Louisiana, adding to the region's recent weather woes
Storms that slammed several Southern states have added to the region’s recent string of weather-related destruction and death
9:50AM ( 6 days ago )
Texas A&M-Notre Dame matchup will be in prime time on ABC on Aug. 31
The first full week of the upcoming college football season will feature a Saturday tripleheader on ABC, including Texas A&M hosting Notre Dame in prime time
9:30AM ( 6 days ago )
Despite safety warnings, police departments continue misapplying restraint positions and techniques
For decades, top law enforcement agencies have warned that certain restraint techniques may hinder a person’s ability to breathe and increase their risk of death, particularly in people who are unhealthy or under the influence of drugs
6:54AM ( 6 days ago )
Georgia requires less basic training for new police officers than any state but Hawaii
Georgia requires fewer hours of basic training for law enforcement officers than any state but Hawaii
6:50AM ( 6 days ago )