Saturday January 18th, 2025 5:45AM

WDUN Morning Show

LISTEN: Comparing the candidates' economic policies with America's Money Answers Man
Jordon Goodman, America's Money Answers Man, compares the Clinton and Trump economic policies. Find out what they mean to consumers and investors alike.
10:53AM ( 8 years ago )
LISTEN: Film Festivals are popping up everywhere in Georgia
Annita Thomas of Travel Bags says you don't have to leave Georgia to find a great film festival.
10:53AM ( 8 years ago )
LISTEN: Does your dog suffer from bloat?
It's the condition that killed the dog in "Marley and Me". It's Bloat and Dr. Marie Lance explains what it is and why you should keep a watchful on your pet to make sure it doesn't happen to them.
10:53AM ( 8 years ago )
LISTEN: Turning misfortune into opportunity with the Mircale Man, Brett Parks
Shot while trying to foil a mugging, Brett Parks says his tragedy changed his life for the better. Now he shares his inspirational message with the world.
10:53AM ( 8 years ago )
LISTEN-Are Robots and Artificial Intelligence gonig to take all the jobs?
Just as the Industrial Revolution changed the way we work, so too is the wave of automation. Calum Chace talks about the approaching robot economy in his book "The Economic Singularity" and shares some of his predictions with the Bill and Joel Morning Show.
9:55AM ( 8 years ago )
LISTEN-Social Media use for campaigning is the big battleground for spreading message
Who needs debates when the candidates are more apt to duke it out on social media? Advertising expert Dave Marinaccio talks about the shift in political marketing afforded by Twitter and Facebook and which demos use which platform most.
9:55AM ( 8 years ago )
LISTEN-Jimmy Osmond talks "Moon River and Me"
Andy Williams wasn't just a role model for Jimmy Osmond, he was a friend. Osmond talks about the influence Williams had on his life and the tribute show "Moon River and Me" which includes plenty of classic Williams footage and Jimmy sharing the stage with a hologram of the legendary entertainer.
9:05AM ( 8 years ago )
Is America adopting Socialism?
Alexander Markovsky outlines how America is moving toward Socialism under the Democrats and how to turn things around as he shares the content of his book "Liberal Bolshevism".
11:30AM ( 8 years ago )
Getting financial and medical assistance for special needs adults
Whether you know an adult with special needs or preparing for the possibility of becoming disabled yourself, Eric WIlborn of Stewart, Melvin, and Frost offers great advice on how to handle the situation.
11:20AM ( 8 years ago )
AUDIO: Small talk can kill a job interview
Michael Ray Newman has some great do's and don'ts of the job interview process where sometimes the less you say the better you do.
3:38PM ( 8 years ago )