Friday April 19th, 2024 8:19PM

WDUN Morning Show

LISTEN: Amy Nofziger of AARP's Fraud Watch Network talks scams
Scams always spread like a virus, but even more so during the pandemic. Amy talks about what to look out for. If you think you may have spotted a scam and want confirmation or if you've been scammed, call their hotline at 1-877-908-3360.
11:00AM ( 4 years ago )
LISTEN: Atlanta's Missing and Murdered: The Lost Children
Sam Pollard and Monica Kaufman Pearson's conversation with Bill Maine on WDUN's Mornings on Maine Street about Pollard's HBO documentary on the missing and murdered children of Atlanta.
7:26AM ( 4 years ago )
LISTEN: GBI Director Vic Reynolds on Human Trafficking
The Director of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation Vic Reynolds talks about the new anti-human trafficking bill being introduced in the Georgia General Assembly.
9:28AM ( 4 years ago )
LISTEN: Ed Moser, "The White House's Unruly Neighborhood"
Talk about a wild neighborhood and you're talking about Lafayette Square in Washington D.C.
9:18AM ( 4 years ago )
LISTEN: Concealed carry gun licenses on the rise
Mark Walters with the 2nd Amendment Foundation joins the show to discuss the consistent rise of of concealed carry permits being issued across the U.S.
8:18PM ( 4 years ago )
LISTEN: The affordable housing crisis facing the U.S.
Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity, joins the show to discuss the shortage of affordable housing in the U.S., and the ongoing crisis facing the nearly 40 million people affected by it.
9:15PM ( 4 years ago )
LISTEN: The impact of the #MeToo movement on "workplace segregation"
Gender issues specialist Kelly Accetta joins the show to discuss research that alleges the #MeToo movement is causing a new form of segregation in the workplace.
5:02PM ( 4 years ago )
LISTEN: An eyewitness account of the Battle of Mosul
Author and embedded war reported James Verini joins the show to discuss his book "THEY WILL HAVE TO DIE NOW: Mosul and the Fall of the Caliphate."
4:57PM ( 4 years ago )
LISTEN: A reformed convict's lesson on creating positive change
Damon West, ex-con turned author and motivational speaker, joins the show to discuss his book, "THE COFFEE BEAN: A Simple Lesson to Create Positive Change."
8:55PM ( 4 years ago )
Celebrating the moon landing with the 'Science and Stories of Our Moon'
Author David Aguilar, author of "Luna: The Science and Stories of Our Moon," joins the show to talk about his book in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing.
8:31PM ( 4 years ago )