Wednesday April 24th, 2024 6:34AM

WDUN Morning Show

LISTEN: Former secretary to President Trump Madeleine Westerhout
The former "gatekeeper" to President Trump, Madeleine Westerhout, spent time on Maine Street with Bill Maine talking about her new book "Off the Record: My Dream Job a the White House, How I :Lost It and What I Learned."
11:47AM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn joins Morning on Maine Street
Hahn talked Thursday about the latest developments in Coronavirus treatments and vaccines.
9:00AM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: Saving the Electoral College
Robert Hardaway presents the case for preserving the Electoral College in his book "Saving the Electoral College".
3:10PM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: Action Park
Andy Mulvihill shares the story of his father's creation of Action Park, a famed New Jersey amusement park also known as "Class Action Park".
2:32PM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: U.S. Senator Rand Paul joins Morning Talk
Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky joined WDUN's "Morning Talk with Martha Zoller" to talk about his recent discussion with Dr. Anthony Fauci at a senate hearing
10:30AM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: Chris Wallace "Countdown 1945"
Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace joined WDUN's Bill Maine on Maine Street to talk about his new book "Countdown 1945." It's an inside look into the minds of the iconic an elusive figures who join the quest for the bomb and an end to World War II.
3:53PM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: Dot Con: Scamming the Scammers
A "friend" emails with a request for money. They've been stranded in another country and can't get home without your help (i.e. money). Amazing since they never told you they were leaving and a quick phone call reveals they're at home. James Vietch has taken on the scammers in a way that is most humorous and one that you can use.
10:40AM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: What vaccines does your cat need?
While cats are fairly independent, they do need some help to stay healthy. WDUN's Bill Maine spent some time on Maine Street with Dr. Marie Lance of Lance Animal Hospital discussing what vaccines you should consider for your feline.
10:36AM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: Bezonomics: How Amazon is Changing Our Lives
While 51% of American households attend church, 62% have an Amazon Prime membership. Fortune magazine writer Brian Dumaine looks at Amazon's affect on the culture and business as well as what may be next for the internet retailer that consumes some 2% of all U.S. household income.
10:21AM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: Night of the Assassins
Howard Blum joined WDUN's Bill Maine on Maine Street to discuss Hitler's plot to kill Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin during their D-Day planing summit. "Night of the Assassins" reads like a novel but it's fact not fiction.
10:12AM ( 3 years ago )