Saturday April 20th, 2024 12:07AM

WDUN Morning Show

LISTEN: Bigfoot: The Conspiracy with Chris Simoes
Chris Simoes is a self-taught filmmaker whose latest film has landed on Amazon. Chris joined Bill on Maine Street to talk about "Bigfoot: The Conspiracy", how he became a filmmaker and why he Bigfoot has been at the center of some of his movies.
9:45AM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: Frank Norton Jr. makes the case for affordable housing
Frank Norton Jr. dropped by Maine street to discuss the need for affordable housing and offers up some suggestions to the new administration on how to help.
3:25PM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: Digital Dollar Project and the future of money
What is digital currency? What is its future? Will physical money be going away? David Treat of Accenture stopped by Maine Street to answer those questions and talk about the Digital Dollar Project.
3:18PM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: Jewish Scholar Debora Dash Moore on the Posen Library
Jewish scholar Debora Dash Moore dropped by Maine Street to share details about the Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization. It is a comprehensive, ongoing project to build a collection of Jewish culture from around the globe. All materials are available online at
9:44AM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: Pandemic didn't stop Americans from giving
Kindest CEO David Semerad dropped by Maine Street to share encouraging information about charitable giving in 2020.
9:40AM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: Ensnared in the Wolf's Lair
During the summer of 1944, a secretive network of German officers and civilians banded together for Operation Valkyrie in order to make a last attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Their plot was meant to take place at the Wolf's Lair, the dictator's headquarters in East Prussia where he spent nearly half of World War II. It failed. An enraged Hitler demanded revenge. "I've come on orders from Berlin to fetch three children." - Gestapo agent, August 24, 1944 Ann Bausum visited Maine Street to take us inside the story of what happened after the failed operation. Her book, "Ensnared in the Wolf's Lair", was written for young readers but resonates with adults as well.
9:22AM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: How to show love to our troops on Valentine's Day
WDUN joins Support Our Troops to show some love to our men and women serving us in the military. Martin Boire of Support Our Troops joined us on "Mornings on Maine Street" with details on how you can help along with information on how SOT works every day to let our troops know we support them. We hope you'll participate. Find out more at
9:51AM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: Phil Kerpen on why prescription drug price controls are not a good idea
Phil Kerpen of American Commitment visited "Mornings on Maine Street" to discuss price controls on prescription drugs. Listen to find out why Kerpen says "the fact is that imposing foreign price controls on medicines in America will have devastating impacts on the seniors who rely on them most."
9:37AM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: Why have the polls been so wrong?
Don Vaughn of Invisibly, a research firm, joined us on Maine Street to talk about why some of the polling of the past two elections was so wrong. Vaughn says the methods of old just don't work in the digital age.
9:26AM ( 3 years ago )
LISTEN: Was Elvis destined to die young?
Sally Hoedel takes a different look at Elvis Pressley and finds that Elvis was indeed destined to die young. Hoedel explained on "Mornings on Maine Street" that genetics were not in his favor.
9:22AM ( 3 years ago )