Saturday June 1st, 2024 2:41PM
12:59PM ( 1 hour ago ) News Alert

AP Health

Aetna agrees to settle lawsuit over fertility coverage for LGBTQ+ customers
The health insurer Aetna has agreed to settle a lawsuit over whether its fertility treatment coverage discriminates against LGBTQ+ patients
3:05PM ( 4 weeks ago )
A new sea route for Gaza aid is on track, USAID says. Treating starving children is a priority
The U.S. expects to have arrangements in Gaza ready for humanitarian workers to start delivering aid this month through a new sea route
11:33AM ( 4 weeks ago )
UN official warns that famine in northern Gaza is already 'full-blown'
A top U.N. official says hard-hit northern Gaza is now in “full-blown famine” after more than six months of war between Israel and Hamas and severe Israeli restrictions on food deliveries to the Palestinian territory
11:33AM ( 4 weeks ago )
A senior UN official says northern Gaza is now in 'full-blown famine'
A top U.N. official says hard-hit northern Gaza is now in “full-blown famine” after more than six months of war between Israel and Hamas and severe Israeli restrictions on food deliveries to the Palestinian territory
11:33AM ( 4 weeks ago )
Biden administration says 100,000 new migrants are expected to enroll in 'Obamacare' next year
Roughly 100,000 immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children are expected to enroll in the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance next year
5:04AM ( 4 weeks ago )
Arizona governor's signing of abortion law repeal follows political fight by women lawmakers
Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs' signing of the repeal of a Civil War-era ban on nearly all abortions was a stirring occasion for the women working to ensure the 19th century law remains in the past
1:19AM ( 4 weeks ago )
Mississippi Republicans revive bill to regulate transgender bathroom use in schools
Mississippi’s Republican-led Legislature has completed a last-ditch effort to revive a bill to regulate transgender people’s use of bathrooms, locker rooms and dormitories in public education buildings
8:32PM ( 4 weeks ago )
South Carolina Senate approves ban on gender-affirming care for transgender minors
The South Carolina Senate has approved a ban on gender-affirming care for transgender minors
7:57PM ( 4 weeks ago )
Georgia governor signs law adding regulations for production and sale of herbal supplement kratom
Georgia’s governor has signed a bill putting new regulations on the production and sale of products containing kratom, a plant-based supplement
3:26PM ( 4 weeks ago )
Non-white pedestrians more often end up in the ER for vehicle-related injuries, report shows
Pedestrians who are not white ended up in the emergency room for traffic-related injuries at higher rates than white people
3:02PM ( 4 weeks ago )